I doubt anyone visits anymore.
Wether you realize it or not, this forum is a part of our story.
A tale of our friendship, joy, love, heartache, betrayal, and tears.
These forums exist for memories it seems.
Memories forever forgotten.
Ya so random title, but these forums are pretty much going down hill. :[
SO YEAH, WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A GUILD ANYMORE. Well, kind of sorta in a way. ;-;
Btw. I made some Youtube videos that i wanna share.
if u want more then go to Youtube and search my screenname (narutofanz)
shut up ... im not obsessed with the show. xD
I guess i tried to lie to myself
telling myself that i was okay
holding in all that was wrong
waiting for someone to ask me what's wrong
waiting for someone to make me tell them
but no one will
and no one cares
and that's just to bad.
I went to my room and closed the door
confined myself.
where no one could hear my silent screams
outside of my refuge
there's screaming and yelling …
I hopes you have fun whatever you're doing at that Lake. [;
When you get home I shall give you your presentttttttt.<33
Sixteen now?! :]